Carmageddon <>Special Edition<>

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  1. QTZ

    User deleted


    Yes both cop cars are disabled for net play (all other cars - cheat or not are available in MC1SE).
    To enable cop car for host player only - type cheat code "JOYRIDER" and then choice cop car.
    To enable cops for all players - edit OPPONENT.TXT for Opponent 3 and Opponent 4:
    never                                // Network availability ('never', 'eagle', 'hawk' or 'all')

    all                                // Network availability ('never', 'eagle', 'hawk' or 'all')

    Also as far as I remember the cops are not allowed as AI players in multiplayer mode.

    To win cars during single player game - just destroy as much cars as you can, so you will win one of them - they call this "stole". Then you can choice this car from the list.

    There are four ways to play as cop in single player game:
    - destroy the suppressor (it's available only on selected tracks)
    - finish game, then select whatever you want, but this may lead to crash in MC1SE...
    - enter proper cheat (better do not save game after that!)
    - or... If you want them as regular opponents in single player mode change "-1":
    -1                                        // Strength rating (1-5)

    To value from 1 to 5 as described in this file. Basically set this to 2 will make car enabled for most of the game. But beware - game must have at least 5-6 cars with each value otherwise will crash!

    Talking about OPPONENT.TXT - you can also change car number to negative value (-1 etc.) - this change it to scum. Scum is prefered by game engine to be one per race, but for one required "Strength rating".

    About powerups this is C1 game, so do not expect powerups from C2.
    However "Electro-bastard Ray" as on SP screen above is available.
    To edit powerups for net play you may want to edit:
    POWERUP.TXT - for normal peds
    ZPOWRUP.TXT - for zombies
    RPOWRUP.TXT - for robots
    (you need to made same changes to all three files at once)
    0                                                        // Net type (0 = local, 1 = global, 2 = don't use)

    Not tested by me, so can't say anything more.

    Another interesting file is GENERAL.TXT (look later in the file)

    Also, did you know you can buy A,P,O during net play? - Just press "del", "end", "pg dwn" keys.
    As I mentioned elsewhere - in multipleyer mode you can send messages - press "~" key then select abuse message by pressing num pad keys (0-9) or type your own text.

    @Mastro - Hey, Mastro good to hear you :)

    Edit: typo for file names corrected (switched files, nothing big)

    Edited by QTZ - 26/4/2014, 12:22
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