Dalek APC Replace

C1 Conversion

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  1. Alex Self Apoc. 9

    User deleted

    Plaything hates me, apparently, But I'd like to convert THIS:http://coffey.polygonized.com/files/dalekbetav2.zip to C1, Here are some files to come with it, but, I want it to be possible to replace the Cop APCs

    Noiseblue texture is not in the textures, so bulenoise can take its position

    Noise60pc texture is also not there, so noise30pc texture will have to be used for it's texture map and the original as well

    The Headlights are now reflective surfaces, so DRSKY will take it's place

    -The head will still turn (the original had no wheels, and Its head turned when turning

    for beter description, try posting a video of you playing the c2 dalek

    In simple words, I'd like dalek to be converted to c1

    heres some help. If you do not understand something, let me know
    File Allegato
    (Number of downloads: 15)

4 replies since 23/3/2015, 15:39   234 views