Posts written by Toshiba-3

  1. .
    I fixed the link:
  2. .
    Nice pics :D
    @Asgaardian: yes, proper lowpoly models would be better for C2, this was just a challenge for me :B
  3. .
    How come the texture is 4096*4096? I guess you found the model+texture already like that?
    I don't think the distortion you mention comes from the fact the texture is so big.
    If you want the model with the original textures; it's in the R6 folder: (gta1n2_maps.rar) but that's for 3dsMax.

    I didn't roam around too much as it's already quite big. Is that a complete GTA2 city? The main problem is that it's so big that it'll feel empty even with pedestrians. That's why I'm only using a small portions of GTA1 Liberty City for my similar project.
    Just imagine having to fill and map all the holes in the mesh, then replacing the trees and lamppoles with proper models, then plotting accessories, then pedestrians, then... Huge task! :|

  4. .
    Great little map! Works well in C1, somehow feels very Splat Pack-ish!

    ^ Ha! that dancer! nice detail :)

  5. .
    Nice skin, Mastro!
  6. .
    Reminds me of La Cité De La Peur killer
  7. .
    Looking good, Mastro! :woot:
  8. .
    Looks like Blood2 mixed with Painkiller
  9. .
    QTZ: Maybe they can use Aseprite to edit FLI files? It should be good now.
    I couldn't access this forum either for the past month btw, weird.

    Superb work on Kemo City, Mastro!!
  10. .
    Really great!
  11. .
    Nice! :D
  12. .
    Thanks for testing, Mastro!

    And now
  13. .

    Alex: it will simply replace it. Original will still be available at TTR's site.
  14. .
    Hey thanks for testing :)

    Porting all the TDR cars properly would be a LOT of work (also boring). Here it was a good way to test some stuff.
    el5emendechucky: I think I based the physics on the Eagle MK3 and mixed some values from the TDR MK4 into it. Can't remember.

  15. .
    Yeah, it's a great map, the reference number next to interruptors is indeed great. Hexen needed that :shit:
    He should do all the other maps from Episode 1. I don't care much about his kickstarter.
235 replies since 27/12/2010