Recopilacion de mapas para Doom

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  1. Avery Marx


    The Grisly Grotto

    Carta enviada a ID Software por Eric Harris:

    ID Software,

    Hello, my name is REB. I have been playing your mega-hit Doom for about four and a half years now, and no matter what new games are invented and sold, I always have come back to doom2. The atmosphere and over-all feel of the game is still unmatched in my books. I have been creating my own levels and patches for about three years, and am still going strong. I have read all four books published by ID software about the Doom story. Fly and Arlene, and their adventures. I have noticed now that Quake is the new "story" in the ID books. However, I have been wondering for the past four years if a Doom 3 has even been considered by ID Software. Just imagine, all the old baddies and guns from doom, all the old textures and environments that made doom have such an impact, all them on today's and tomorrow's newest gamming engines. Imps, humans, demons, spiders, all of them remade into an engine like the one used for quake 2. If it's a story line that kept you from making Doom 3, that is the least of your problems in my opinion. If the Doom novels aren't enough, or suitable, then I am positive there are hundreds of legitimate stories out there. Even I could come up with enough of a plot to make another Doom game. The plutonium pack and such were great, but they were still all on the same doom engine. I believe that the world of the space marine should be taken one step higher, or one lift higher. How many times have you wanted to look up and down, go underwater, see the "other" side of the doom eye, climb on top of the E1M8 star, and so many other things in doom? Maybe it is just a fantasy of mine, but then again, it is so very possible to make it real. If you need workers for doom levels or for graphics, I could even be a start. With my background and love for the game, I don't think there are many people at all in the world who know more about Doom than I do. I may not be able to make Quake 2 levels, but my doom levels could be one hell of an inspiration for new worlds. So, in conclusion, I have 3 questions...

    1: Has it even been considered that a Doom 3 could be made on an engine like or better than Quake's?

    2: Is it possible to make even a Doom add-on for Quake, Quake 2, or other games of the kind?

    3:How about a Doom movie?

    Please replay as soon as possible, and if it is at all possible, try to have the creators of the original Doom and Doom 2 read this letter.

    P.S. Would you like some screen shots of my latest doom levels, "Tier?" Maybe ID could use some of these levels...

    ---Loyal Doomer, REB.
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